A blog by Mitrovica Rock School communications trainee Erjona Sylejmani
On August 20, 41 young musicians from Mitrovica Rock School and Roma Rock School have participated on the Skopje Summer School which includes a week of rehearsals, a productive week for the ten bands who made new music and recorded one of them on the studio which they got to perform on their concert by the end of the week.
The bands were supported by band coaches from the two Rock Schools and also from the Fontys Rockacademie in the Netherlands.
For some students this was a first time experience so I decided to interview them and check with them how the Summer School was as a first experience for them.
For Era who has joined Mitrovica Rock School two years ago this was a first time experience about so many things for her! As a guitar player she says that it was one of the best experiences she’s had so far! “It was so fun to be able to connect with everyone to make music and learn all that the coaches had to offer”.
They all stated that the favorite part of the day was going to the rehearsals. “I was always excited to go and work on the songs we were making, and to learn new things from the coaches”.
“Yes I can say that my guitar playing skills have evolved because the coaches taught me different playing methods depending on the song” Era adds.
“I liked that everyone supported each other and the atmosphere was relaxed even though everyone was nervous, at least a little”. Iva who’s a vocalist and a guitar player explains her experience in general.
Elmir the bass player mentioned the concert night immediately which according to him was an unforgettable experience. “My favourite day also has to be the concert night. It was thrilling to perform for the first time in front of so many people. It was something that made me overcome my fear of performing in front of people”
“I think I have evolved my sense of understanding on how I should sound” Elmir adds.
“I have a better understanding rhythm in drums” Murat explains.
And as for the studio recording they were all unfamiliar with it because it was the first time that they were recording, they all explain how nervous they were and how many times they had to repeat and how many questions they had to ask to get it right but still they didn’t feel like giving up and they loved how their music turned out when they heard the studio version. Safe to say that they were satisfied with the final product!
When asked what’s something they have learned that they will never forget, the students shared with us such meaningful answers.
“I have learned that with the right people on your team you can achieve a lot in a short span of time” Elmir the bass player claims.
“I have learned that agreements in a conversation are the most important and that everyone has the right and freedom to say what they think and feel and when something doesn’t look or sound good at first, it can end up being better than you ever imagined” Iva adds.
“Something I have learned that I will never forget is that everything is better when you work together. When it comes to music when two or more minds combine you can make great things” Era states.
“I learned that music does connect people no matter the nationalities” Murat explains how he actually understood what the ‘Music Connects’ stands by on this Summer School.